DVDs published by: Microtraining
The leading provider of DVDs and books focused on multicultural and competency-based counselor and therapist education.

Life Coaching

Life Coaching: Tools for Counselors (70 min DVD)
Kay Richardson, MFT, PCC
Professional Certified Coach

$169.00 Publisher price
$139.00 Author price
(free shipping)

Life Coaching believes the client is the expert on his/her life, and views each client as creative, resourceful, and whole. In this dvd, Kay Richardson describes and demonstrates the coaching process as she works with two young women.

One is grappling with issues about her future; whether she should stay in graduate school, whether she should embark on international travel, and whether to stay with her longtime partner. The other faces the stress of an up-coming wedding and some of the long-standing challenges with her sister. By dialoguing with their future selves and connecting with their inner wisdom, Kay helps them find clarity and their unique way forward.

More on coaching sessions with Kay

Career Coaching

Career Coaching (40 min DVD)
Kay Richardson, MFT, PCC
Professional Certified Coach

$149.00 Publisher price
$119.00 Author price
(free shipping)

Kay works with a Latino male client, who is in graduate school, to help him find clarity with his career options. Kay demonstrates the four aspects of the collaborative process of coaching:
1. Discover, clarify and align with what the client wants to achieve
2. Encourage client self-discovery
3. Elicit client-generated solutions and strategies
4. Hold the client responsible and accountable to self

Following the client's lead, Kay invites the client to fill out the picture of his ideal vision for his career. In doing so, he rediscovers his long-term passion for connecting fathers and sons from all ethnic backgrounds. By following his heart, we see how easy it is for him to take his next important steps to realizing his career goals.

The Marriage of Sex and Spirit

The Marriage of Sex and Spirit:
Relationships at the Heart
of Conscious Evolution
list of authors / cover >>

includes “Declarations of Peace,”
by Kay Richardson

(free shipping)   

In The Marriage of Sex and Spirit, thirty five of the most provocative and fresh voices of our generation give us the keys to transforming relationships from a source of grief and bondage to a celebration of self and other.  

Drawing together the most powerful wisdom of spiritual teachers, psychiatrists, anthropologists, educators, therapists, coaches, writers, artists, this ground-breaking anthology presents the visions and ideas that form the gateway to transforming both spirituality and sexuality. 

This powerful collection of practical techniques and breakthrough insights offers the potential to utterly transform your experience of relationships into a source of joy, inspiration and fuel for your spiritual and emotional journey. 

101 Great Ways to Improve Your Life, Vol 2

101 Great Ways to Improve Your Life, Vol 2
list of authors / cover >>

includes “Road Trip to Empowerment,”
by Kay Richardson & Sarah Fuelling

(free shipping)  

We can all reach our dreams.  We can all soar.  It’s just that sometimes we need help getting off the ground.  Self-improvement is the journey that never ends.  This book will make that journey a bit easier for you. 


101 Great Ways to Improve Your Life, Vol 2 Positively Brilliant Self-Mastery
Reclaim Your Authentic Self Now
by Peter J. Reding

includes “Creativity in Action,”
by Kay Richardson

(free shipping)  

Start living your own life. Only you can make the journey into your self. Positively Brilliant Self-mastery is a clearly articulated road map that defines what Self-mastery is and how to go about your personal journey of mastery. Self-mastery is a journey, not a destination, and its achievement positively impacts every part of your life.

Begin your journey to know your self – your Positively Brilliant Self.

Contact Kay Richardson
Career Coach Kay Richardson MFT, PCC. Professional Certified Coach, Personal Life Coach For Women Since 2005.
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